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An Exclusive Publication of The
United States Concealed Carry Association

"What To Do About Murder…"

By Tim Schmidt
USCCA Founder
What happened last week at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut was the kind of nightmare that would make anyone cringe. To say that I was saddened by what happened to those innocent children would be a gross understatement. No one should ever have to suffer this kind of devastation, and my thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by this unspeakable tragedy.
This is not the first mass murder that has shaken our nation, and although I wish it weren’t so, this will not be the last time a twisted person attempts to take innocent lives like this.

Every time a shooting happens in our nation, a handful of “armchair experts” rise to propose that guns are the reason for the violence. If it weren’t for guns, our schools would be safer. If it weren’t for guns, you could go to the movies without fear. If it weren’t for guns, you could go Christmas shopping without looking over your shoulder...

The fact of the matter is that more laws and more control don’t equal more safety and security. If you need proof, just look at Chicago.

Chicago is the poster child for gun control, yet since 2001, 2,000 troops have died in Afghanistan while 5,000 people have been murdered in Chicago. Chicago’s homicide rate is four times greater than New York, and twice that of Los Angeles. Good intentions have yielded bad results in Chicago, and it’s time to face the facts: Criminals and psychotic individuals don’t obey “no guns” signs or gun control laws.

It might be a cliche amongst gun owners, but arguing that guns cause murders is very much like arguing that spoons make people fat, or cars make drunk driving possible.

So if taking guns out of the hands of responsibly armed citizens isn't the answer, then what is? After 9/11, massive steps were taken to harden-up cockpit doors, and we instituted the air marshal program to train and arm pilots. If anyone attempted to break through the cockpit door, they would be met by a hail of gunfire. After Columbine, why wasn't a similar program put in place to harden-up schools and train and arm teachers and administrators in tactical defense? The chilling fact remains that the Newtown murderer had no trouble breaking through the school's glass doors...

I have no doubt that there are many people who would be outraged by the idea of our schools having responsibly armed personnel protecting our kids, but my response to them would be the same as Concealed Carry Report writer John Caile’s response:

“…these same people who barely raise an eyebrow at the idea of armored car guards carrying guns to protect bags of cash, suddenly go apoplectic over the prospect of teachers carrying guns to protect young children. If that’s not misplaced priorities, I don’t know what is.”

Violent criminals and psychopaths aren’t going away, and no law will prevent them from committing murder in the future. Now is not the time to wish the problem away. Now is the time to take this issue seriously enough to actually protect our children so that this never happens again. Take care and stay safe,

Tim Schmidt
Publisher - Concealed Carry Report
USCCA Founder

Retrieved by dpd 12/29/2012


MooPig said…
This logic in the article made my brain go wonk wonk.... " ... It might be a cliche amongst gun owners, but arguing that guns cause murders is very much like arguing that spoons make people fat, or cars make drunk driving possible. ... "

or that buzz haircuts make flat foots, or that reading faceBook makes people blind, IDK ... do you have any?
syld said…
I have an opposite one. "Guns cause low test scores." Because if kids find out from the media there are guns in the school, they will stop at nothing to find and use them. They are facinated by guns, force, power, destruction. But they have little interest in the "curriculum based objectives on the state tests." I posted this article that was sent to me, but disagree with it. Thank you.
d2r2 said…
When we grew up in the 50's and 60's school personnel had the authority to use corporal punishment for misbehaving. We were respectful of this authority just as we were of the same authority at home.

Through the years this authority has disappeared and so has the respect.

I hear smart,dedicated and talented people say "Time to take a hard line stance against the bad guys."
I watch in dismay as foul sounding noises emanate from all of the electronic media which surrounds us. Written things spew profanity, sex,violence,drug culture to eager and waiting ears, young and old.
Mass murderers say they wanted to out-do other mass murderers.

The world has immovable objects and irresistible forces surrounded by Supernatural phenomena difficult to explain in traditional ways.

We don't need to confront our children with more of the same things they see everywhere...we only need to do whatever we can as mortal beings to give them safe haven and passage, to the various stations in life they are visiting.
I think school marshalls would help.